October 3, 2018
We had several guests today including :
Ray Kisonis from the Monroe News
Michele Paled from Monroe Radio
Fred Swank
Adam Massingill-Firefighter of the Year
Kristen Massingill-Wife of Adam
Paul Pirrone-Township Supervisor
Doug Steinman-Fire Inspector
Terry and Mary Massingill-Parents of Adam
Vaugn and Shirley Massingill-Grandparents of Adam
Our agenda was short today because of the Firefighter of the Year program
The bowling team took 5 points this week
Club member Anniversaries this week were celebrated by Karen Lemerand
Jim Keegan reported on the Induction of officers at the Aktion clubmeeting on 10/2/18
Past President Troy Goodnough has Kiwanis Hog Raffle tickets available for members to sell
The Club picture was taken today for the Kiwanis Newsmagazine
The deadline for Ads and articles is due by this Friday. Please contactBob De Sloover if you cannot get it to him by then
The Board meeting for the Month of October has been moved to OCTOBER 16th
We celebrated our 19th year of giving a Firefighter of the Year Award today.
Adam Massingill, Chief of Bedford Township Fire Depatment, was selected by his peers. An article appeared in the Monroe News and on Monroe Radio. We will also have a follow-up in the Kiwanis Newsmagazine. Video of the presentation can be found here: https://youtu.be/YXuStwUT7Wk. (Courtsey of Monroe Public Access Cable Television.)