Kiwanis meeting – May 23, 2018
There were no guests today so we went right into the agenda :
Birthdays celebrated this week were Mark Cochran
The next Board meeting will be on June 12th at noon.
We will be working Club 2018 again this year on June 1st. If you can help contact Jim Jacobs.
We will have a Pastoral Day on June 6th. Please contact your clergy and let Jack Ready know as soon as possible if anyone is attending
President Troy Goodnough gave a report on the Sports Triathlon.
Lt. Gov. Suzie Cox Grizzle gave a report on the ISD Prom and thanked Gene Jenkins for his help.
Lt. Gov. Suzie gave a report on the Key Club and Graduation exercises held
The Salvation Army is in need of several items for lunches/dinners.Contact Debbie Pulling or Lt. Gov. Suzie if you can help
7/14 will be a Habitat for Humanity Day for our club
9/23 Bed Races in Downtown Monroe