Aktion Club
More than 500 clubs serving their communities
Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide.
Where development has no disability.
To develop competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
To provide adults living with disabilities an opportunity to develop initiative, leadership skills and to serve their communities.
Core Values:
- Character Building: The ability to do the right thing, even when it might be the unpopular choice
- Leadership: The ability to listen, communicate, serve and guide others
- Inclusiveness: Accepting and welcoming differences in other people
- Caring: The act of being concerned about or interested in other people or situations
This is the Pledge that Aktion Club members take:
I pledge on my honor to follow the Objects of Aktion Club.
To better my community, my country and myself.
To help those in need.
To demonstrate loyalty to our community and nation.
And to encourage others to do the same.
Monroe is pleased to have a special service club for adults with disabilities
The Monroe Aktion Club formed in 2006 and is sponsored by the Monroe Kiwanis Club. There are more than 30 Aktion Clubs in Michigan, with 700+ members.
The Aktion Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at 20 N. Roessler St. Monroe, MI. 48162.
The Aktion Club is advised by Monroe Kiwanians James Keegen, Suzie Grizwall, Nancy Wain, and Dick Sager.
The Aktion Club has a variety of activities every year including: picnics, Christmas parties, participation in Salvation Army ringing bells, Community meals, MCOP food pantry and participation in Special Olympics. They also fundraiser for various organizations in which the proceeds are donated to local causes and charities.
For more information, you can go to the Kiwanis International website: www.aktionclub.org.