Kiwanis Meeting of September 21st
Our guests for today included Linda Meador and an Interclub from Riverview
The agenda for the week included :
1. President Iggy Cuccia thanked the club for all the well wishes for his family
2. Shirt orders will be sent in after the September 30th deadline. If you still need to order see Dr. Jodie Bean
3. Volunteers are needed for the Stepping Stones Program on Wednesday nights
4. Jim Keegan gave a report on the Flag Install last week at the River Raisin Battlefield and thanked all those who helped
5. The Bowling team took all 7 points this week
6. There will be NO noon meeting next Wednesday because of the Installation Banquet at6pm at the K of C. If you haven’t signed up please let David Thompson know. Members are asked to wear their Hixon Award Medals
7. The deadline for all ads, articles and pictures are due by October 7th for the Kiwanis Newsmagazine that will come out on October 30th
8. The Monroe News Brew Fest is this Saturday at the Flat Rock Speedway from 4-10 pm
9. The Alzheimer Walk will be this Saturday
10. The Clash of the Cultures is this Saturday at the River Raisin Battlefield
11. The Annual Bed Race is this Sunday
12. Raffle tickets are being collected from Members for the Pig drawing on October 19th. Please get them in as soon as possible
13. The Monroe Bank and Trust is hosting a Fall Harvest Beer and Wine Tasting Event on October 1st from 1- pm at Harbor Inn and Ale. For tickets visit Monroe Bank & Trust at 102 E. Front St Monroe,MI