Kiwanis Meeting/Induction from September 28th
Our Induction Banquet turned out to be a great success with several members bringing their spouses and children to the event. Steve McCarty, the new K Club International VP was also in attendance with his Mom and Sister. The meeting was short in nature but the bowling report was given and I will leave it at that.
Outgoing President Iggy Cuccia gave his final remarks and thanked the club for making his year a fun one. In doing so he handed out gift cards to Committee Chairs, Board members and those who helped make his year a lot easier. Some of the things he was most proud of were the newly organized Key Club, Circle K and Key Builders that we are trying to put together.
Past Lt. Governor Don Lutz installed all the new Officers and Board Members for the Administrative Year 2016-17 and thanked those who completed the past administrative year.
At the conclusion of the installation, Judge Mike gave out Legion of Honor pins to Ron Brant for being a member for 25 years and to Bill Hassett for being a member for 35 years.
Jim Petrangelo was presented the George F. Hixon Award for his commitment to the club and for organizing several of the Social events that the club takes part in during the year.
The event concluded with newly elected David Thompson giving some remarks about the upcoming year and thanking Iggy Cuccia for the past year.
On a side note Don Lutz will be asking for an interclub visit to Flat Rock on October 10th at 6:30pm,so lets get the new year started off in fine fashion.
P.S. Deadline for articles, pictures and ads due next Friday 10/7/16
Thanks for all you do