Kiwanis meeting of August 3rd
There were no guests today so we went right into our meeting. The agenda followed for the week :
1. August the 8th is the Special Olympics Regional Golf Outing.
2. Don Lutz gave a report on the Peanut and Water sales from the Monroe County Fair Parade and thanked all who helped
3. We will have representatives from the club at the 4H auction this week at the Fair
4. The next Board meeting is on August 9th at noon
5. A sign up sheet is going around for members to sign up for Patron Ads in the Kiwanis Newsmagazine
The rest of the meeting was spent in Committee, including the Kiwanis Newsmagazine sales. The Tab will come out on October 30th, with the deadline of October 7th. Members are asked to submit their own ads ASAP so they can move on to business advertisers. Packets were handed out at the meeting with information about the tab including contact information.
If there are any questions contact Bob De Sloover