Kiwanis meeting of August 10th
Our only guest this week was Gunner Keegan. The agenda for the week included :
1. Volunteers are needed for a Holiday Camp Golf Fundraiser. If interested contact Nancy Wain
2. The National Battlefield will be hosting a 100 year Birthday celebration on August 27th
3. The Monroe Center for Healty Aging will be hosting a Steak Roast Fundraiser on August 24th from 5-7 pm at the VFW Post at 400 Jones Ave
4. The Kiwanis Club were successful bidders at the 4H auction this past week at the Fair
5. The Social Committee reminded the Club of the Wine Tour on August 21st
6. Don Lutz gave a report on the Peanut sales and Thanked all those who help sell and pack peanuts at the Monroe County Fair Parade
7. Volunteers are needed for the September 3rd Bus Races at Flat Rock Speedway to help with the seating. If you can help contact Gene Jenkins
8. The Kiwanis Newsmagazine sales have started and members are asked to sell as many ads as they can and get the sales into Bob De Sloover
9. Patron Ads are also available to club members and businesses as well
We had 2 candidates (Bryce and Bryton) that attended the Michigan State Police Career Acadamy this Summer and they came to make a presentation.It ran from May 17-22.It was very vigorous,with a wake up call at 5am and a 13 hour day of activities.
They started out with 52 sign ups.Of that number there were 2 no shows,7 left before the end of the program and 43 graduated at he end.
They finished their presentation by answering questions from the members