Kiwanis meeting from May 11th, 2016
Our guests today included : Mark Maxwell and Robert Wight
The agenda followed :
1. Volunteers are still needed for the Special Olympics Track Meet this Friday at Jefferson High School at 9:30 am
2. The next Community Meal is on May 26th
3. Robert Wight had his 2nd reading for membership today
4. The Community Service group will be looking for volunteers for the Club 2016 event onJune 3rd
5. The club has decided to get new shirts and a sign up sheet will be circulated soon at the meetings
6. Volunteers will be needed for the installation of 500 flags at the River Raisin Battlefield on the 19-29 of May
7. Wyandotte 1000 Kiwanis Club will be hosting several events coming up including a 93rd Birthday Party, A Trivia Night and a Golf Outing
8. Downtown Monroe Kiwanis Election of Officers will be held in May
9. The next Board meeting will be held on June 14th
10. The Special Olympics Golf event will be held on August 8th
11. The Downtown Development Group will be having a planting event on May 21st.
Our Speaker today was Melisa Strong from the Monroe County Youth Center. She spoke on the Core issues that they work on. They are 1. Work in the Community, 2. Educational Growth,3.Help Youths with Good Relationships and Better Decisions.
At the present time they have about 21 youths in the Center, with the average ages from 11-17 years of age. They have a couple of projects that they are working on right now which include the Devoted Barn and Project 2nd chance.
She concluded her presentation by answering questions from the members