Kiwanis meetin of May 18th, 2016

Our guests today were Steven McCarty, Michele Paled and Robert Wight
The agenda for the week followed :
1. Volunteers are still needed for the Community Meal next Thursday 5/26/16
2. Volunteers are still needed for the ISD Prom and the Transitional dance this weekend
3. Volunteers are needed to place flags at the River Raisin Battlefield this week
4. Robert Wight had his 3rd reading for membership
5. Dick Sager thanked all those who helped last weekend at the Special Olympics Track Meet
6. The Downtown DDA will be planting flowers this Saturday if anyone can make it to help out
7. The reading program will continue at Greenwood this Summer
8. The next Board meeting is June 14th
9. A sign up sheet is going around to help at the Flat Rock Speedway in June. See Gene Jenkins if you can volunteer
10. We still need volunteers to help at the Club 2016 event
11. We will be hosting a Kiwanis Divisional meeting in June. More details to follow
12. Our visit to Holiday Camp this year will be on June 29th
13. May 27th-The 5th Hour Debate team at Monroe High School will be holding a debate open to the Public about several issues facing us every day including wheter teachers should be allowed to carry guns and wheter marijuana should be legalized for recreational use
Fire Chief Wight was our guest speaker today. He spoke on the upcoming City of Monroe Fire Station Millage on August 2nd. They hope to:
a. Improve Response Capability
b. Expand Training and Programs
c. Enhance Community Out Reach
d. Increase Operational Effectiveness
For more information on the Millage go to