Kiwanis meeting of August 24th, 2022
Today was the 3rd reading for Tully Murphy and the 2nd reading for Nick Knezevich for membership
Next Monday is the Special Olympic Golf Event. Dick Sager could still use some help
Mike Lahote had his apron audit today
Birthday wishes went out to Judge Joe Costello
Club Anniversaries celebrated this week were Jen Langenderfer and Dr. Grace Yackee
A sign up sheet was sent around for those who can help put flags in poles and install them. The flags in poles will be on September 7th and installation will be on September 10th
The next Community meal will be on September 20th
Milward Beaudry informed the club if anyone is interested in being on the MPACT Board let him know
President Elect Katie Burroughs sent around a sign up sheet for those coming to the induction dinner on September 27th at 6pm
A BIG THANK YOU goes out to President Gloria for her Social Gathering this evening. Thanks to those who also brought items to eat and or drink.