Kiwanis meeting of August 31st, 2022
Sharon Swartz was our guest today and took an application for membership
Birthday wishes went out to Dick Sager
Tully Murphy was installed as our newest member
Nick Knezevich had his 3rd reading today and will be installed next week
President Gloria thanked all those who came to her party last week
Due to the bad weather on Monday the Special Olympic Golf event had to be cancelled. The volunteers that were there stayed and enjoyed the fellowship
Doug Kuras gave a report on the beer sales at the Monroe County Fair. Between the tips and the sales they made $909.60. Doug thanked all those who helped
Jim Keegan still needs help for the putting flags on the poles on September 7th and installing them on September 10th
A sign up sheet is going around for the Induction ceremony on September 27th at 6 pm
The next Board meeting is on September 13th at noon
We got 2 Firefighter of the Year applications this year and will celebrate that event on October 5th.It’s always a nice event so plan on being there that day.
Nancy Wain announced a Stacy’s Sparkles event on October 18th at 5:30 at the Little Brown Jug. They could use door prizes
September concludes this dues/dinner payment. If you haven’t yet paid please do so ASAP so we can close out this fiscal period. If you’ve already paid THANKS