Kiwanis meeting of August 17th, 2022
Tully Murphy had his 2ndreading for membership
Nick Knezevich had his 1st reading for membership
Birthdays this week were for Iggy Cuccia
Club Anniversaries this week were for Tom Gerweck,Jen Langenderfer,Jim Petrangelo and Tracy Oberlieter
Guests this week were Past President Laura Schultz Pipis and Marsha Oberlieter
Dick Sager is in need of volunteers for the Special Olympics Golf event on August 29th
President Gloria is having a gathering at her home on Wednesday the 24th of August. If you can attend please let her know. It will be at 6pm at 127 Borgess
Mark your schedule for September 7th and 10th if you can help Jim Keegan with setting up flags at the battlefield
Our speaker today was Don Lutz who surprised Gene Jenkins.
He presented Gene with a Certificate of appreciation for 47+ years of support to the Kiwanis Clubs of Monroe
Gene joined Kiwanis North in 1975 and held several positions in that club including attending quite a few conventions.
Don also gave him a 45 year pin, because they only come in 5 year increments
Gene reflected on what Kiwanis has meant to him.
He is also highlighted in our Kiwanis Profile this week. A well deserved honor for a man who gives so much.