Kiwanis meeting of September 14th, 2022

Our meeting was held at he new Fire Station with Public Safety Director Chad Tolstedt as our guest speaker.
Our other guests were new District Court Judge Amanda Eicher,City Manager Vince Pastue,Communications Director Jody Egen and Corporal J.D.Wall
Birthdays this week were Bob Knabusch and Jim Petrangelo
Club Anniversaries were Frank Arnold and Nancy Wain
So their averages aren’t so high after the 1st week of bowling they only took 1/2 a point
The next Community meal is next Tuesday and Ig could use some help
Jim Keegan thanked Dick Sager,Don Lutz,Dale Lockwood,Doug Kuras,Tom Gerweck and Parker Starr for helping last week installing and placing flags at the Battlefield
We have 2 Firefighters that we will be honoring on October 5th
Sue Wetzel has accepted a job in New Jersey and will be leaving the club. We wish her luck on her new chapter in her life
The Board has agreed to sponsor a Boy Scout troop at the church with Dave Thompson being the Point Person
The sign up sheet for the Officer Induction is circulated. It will be on September 27th.See Katie Burroughs if you haven’t signed up yet
Chad Tolstedt did a Power Point presentation on the up coming Ballot Issue for a new Police Station on the November 8th election.
They are seeking a 12.5 million dollar millage. He broke down how much it would cost homeowners. If passed it would be built next to the new Fire Station
For more information go to or contact Chad