Kiwanis Meeting of October 26th
We had several guests today including Debbie Pulling,Gautier and Jody Lalin,Debbie Wilson and Tom Gerweck
The agenda for the week followed :
1.The Kiwanis Newsmagazine will be out this Sunday in the Monroe News.Ron Brant and Bob De Sloover thanked the members for their help in putting the tabloid out.
2.Jim Keegan gave a report on the Spirits of the River Raisin event on Saturday 10/22
3.Past President Iggy Cuccia was presented with a Plaque for his past term in office
4.Doug Kuras is still taking pledges for the Walk for Warmth
5.Kiwanis Lottery Tickets will be passed out in the next couple of weeks
6.Tom Steward and Dale Lockwood celebrated Birthdays this week
7.Jim Jacobs celebrated an Anniversary in the club (1993)
8.Future events include :
a.11/8-Board Meeting
b.11/19-Stacy’s Sparkles
c.11/19-Holiday Parade
d.12/3-Ida Light Parade
e.12/7-Salvation Army Christmas Party
f.12/17-Bell Ringing
Sign up sheets are going around at the meeting so be sure to sign up if you can help
9.The bowling team took 0 points this week
Paul Symington was our guest speaker today.He spoke on the court systems,in particular the probation,judges and police officials. In most cases they are understaffed and given unfunded mandates to work with.He has been in the Probation System for 30 years and has seen a lot.
The biggest problem facing the system now is the Heroin and Drug abuse in and around Monroe County.
We have become a Drug Culture in America,because there is a drug for everything now.
In the State of Michigan in 2015 there were 763 traffic deaths,with 50 % of them due in part to Drugs and Drinking.
Because of that he said we need a better understanding of Drug and alcohol use.