Kiwanis meeting of October 19th, 2022

We had several guests today including Lt. Gov. Paul Elsey from Woodhaven,Bob McCoy,Barb McCoy,Randy Richardville and Brandon Ansel
The bowling team took 3 points this week
Birthdays this week : Angie Bomia
Club Anniversaries this week : Paul Van Aken
Amanda Eicher had her 3rd reading this week and will be installed next meeting
Asleigh Glass had her 1st reading for membership
Nancy Wain gave a report on Stacey’s Sparkles event and thanked all those who help make it a success
Dave Thompson gave a report on the Key Club Meeting and their projects
Dick Sager had a knee replacement and is doing well
Doug Kuras gave a report on the Humane Society/Animal Control Fall Festival last weekend and reminded the club of the food and supplies drive that we take part in
Dale Stringham gave a report on the Salvation Army bell ringing. Our date will be Dec. 10th and we need all members to sign up for a slot to ring that day
Bob Knabusch reminded the club we will again be helping out at the Ida Light Parade on Dec.3rd
It was also decided we will be selling Poinsettias this year so start lining potential customers. A list of flower sizes and prices will be coming soon
Lt. Gov. Paul Elsey spoke on the Thomas Oliver Holiday Greeting program. It’s a great way to support your KIWANIS OF MICHIGAN FOUNDATION.
For more information go to
The deadline for contributions is NOVEMBER 16th