Kiwanis meeting of November 6th, 2019
There were no guests this week so we went right into the agenda :
The bowling team took 4 points
Tyler Gedelian celebrated a Birthday this week
Club Anniversaries this week were Angie Bomia and Mike Weipert
We are in need of Programs this administrative year, If you have any suggestions contact Katie Burroughs
The Key Club will be working out in Ida this Saturday
The next Board meeting is on 11/12/19 at noon
Invoices were handed out to members who attended today’s meeting for the Kiwanis News Magazine. All others were mailed on Sunday to advertisers. Additional invoices will be given to members when they come to the meeting. Monies can be brought to the meeting or mailed in.
The Kiwanis Lottery tickets were also passed out today. If you are in need of tickets contact Karen Lemerand. She thanked Jerry and Shirley Spence, Bill and Mary Lou Hassett, Doug Kuras and Bob De Sloover for helping stuff envelopes
The Division 4 meeting will be held on 11/13/19 at the Little Brown Jug in Maybee
The Club Members donated money to the Sled Race in Ida that will take place as part of the Ida Light Parade
The Ida Light Parade will be on 12/7/19
The Salvation Army Christmas Party will be on 12/11/19
Details are being worked out for the Salvation Army Bell Ringing on 12/14/19
The rest of the meeting was spent on Committee Day