Kiwanis meeting of March 29th
Our guests today were: Cassandra Kiley, Martin Menard, Henry Passenger and Margaret Passenger. After introductions we had our agenda for today that included the following items :
The Bowling team took 1 point this week
Celebrating birthdays this week are Nancy Wain, Judy Hertzsch and Doug Kuras
Celebrating an Anniversary in the club was Ken Swinkey
The next Board meeting is on April 11th
Celebrate Children will be on April 29th and volunteers will be needed
We will have 4 members going to the Spring Divisional on April 29th
We will be joining the Carleton Rotary on Tuesday April 4th for a joint project,with 15 members and the Aktion Club in attendance
Cassandra Kiley reported on the Circle K District meeting last week and said there were 100 in attendance at MCCC
The club got a Thank You note from Gene Jenkins and Family for our attendance at the Funeral Home and the donation that we gave the family
May 12th is the Special Olympics track meet at Jefferson High School
We have 30 teams for the Kiwanis Triatholon on April 29th. There are still 6 openings left
Martin Menard spoke on the 1st Annual Elizabeth Foundation Charity Golf Outing on May 21st
Our guest today was Sandy Pierce from the Monroe Center for Healthy Aging.The Monroe Center for Healthy Aging is a multi-purpose senior citizens center which provides services,activities and education for older adult residents of Monroe County.The Mission focuses on the promotion of health and wellness.
Their Programs are :
- Nutrition
- Health Education
- Physical Health
- Volunteer Program
- Socialization
In 2016,the Center provided 85,857 hours of service to over 1,700 residents of Monroe County who are 60+ years of age and older
They are open 7 days a week-365 days a year.
For more information contact them at 734-241-0404