Kiwanis meeting of March 1st
Our meeting was held at Nortel Lanes today so we could be in attendance for the Specila Olympics Bowling event
There were 195 bowlers at Nortel Lanes and a like amount at the Monroe Sport Center
Our bowling team took 0 points last night
Michelle Lavoy celebrated a birthday today
Ron Brant,Bob De Sloover,Jim Keegan and Don Lutz all celebrated anniversaries in the club this week
Michelle Germani gave a report on the Red Cross Blood Drive from Tuesday 2/28/17.They collected 37 pints of blood exceeding their goal of 32
Troy Goodnough gave a report on the Sportman Triatholon. There are 12 teams registered
The Community Meal will be on March 21st and we will need volunteers for that event
The next Board meeting will be on March 14th at noon
Thanks go out to Dick Sager and all those who came early to help at the special Olympics Bowling today