Kiwanis Meeting of July 19th
Sorry for the 1st e-mail being blank
There were no guests today so we went right into the business of the week
The Social Committee will be going to the Toledo Mud Hens game next Wednesday 7/26
MBT will be hosting an Open House on July 21st at all the branches
Our new sign is up at the Kiwanis Park on Nadeau Rd.
Members are asked to help pack peanuts on July 27th at Gene Jenkins house for the club to sell at the Monroe County Fair Parade on July 30th
Volunteers are also needed to help sell peanuts on July 30th.Contact Don Lutz if you can help
The club will be selling beer at the Fair on August 3rd.Contact Doug Kuras if you can help
The National Battlefield is selling raffle tickets for a new JEEP. The drawing will be on 9/16/17
The Special Olympics Regional Golf Outing will be on August 14th and Dick Sager could use some help
Jim Petrangelo is looking for golfers to go to the State Kiwanis Golf Outing on August 14th
Volunteers are still needed to help out at the Aktion Club Conferemnce on September 15th.Contact Jim Keegan or Dick Sager
Kiwanis Newsmagazine packets are being passed out to members so they can contact advertisers starting the first week of August.Patron ads are also being sold to members and advertisers.It will be published on November 4th