Kiwanis meeting of December 23rd
Jack ready had his son Joel as our guest today.
The agenda today followed:
1. Lottery ticket sales are wrapping up and all monies need to be in by next Wednesday
2. The Aktion Club had their Christmas Party and Jim Keegan gave a report on the event
3. The Shoe collection is now done and the club did very well with this event
4. The bowlng team took 0 points this week
5. We are still collecting pop tabs and ink cartridges
6. The next Board meeting is on January 12th,2016
Crystal Martin was our guest speaker today. She is from the Family Counciling and Shelter Services here in Monroe. They are celebrating the 50th Anniversary in 2016 and she thanked all of the community of Monroe for their support. They providr 90 day housing for women in need of domestic shelter. They provide several services including Rape Crisis and Counciling. They believe you have the right to be in a happy, healthy relationship. For more information contact them at 734-241-0180
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you.