Kiwanis Meeting of December 21st
Today was Spouses Day and the World’s Largest Baby Shower for Heartbeat of Monroe. Because of that we had several guests that included :
Barb and Gunner Keegan
Kathy Petrangelo
Carolee Goodnough
Ruth Montcalm
Sherry Maletich
Ann Swinkey
Ryan Irwin
Susan Lockwood
Leah Kuehnlein
Lonnie Brant
Barb and Marie Cuccia
Loren Lohmeyer
Tammi Van Aken
Marsha Oberleiter
Pat Ready
Greg Hunter
We also had representatives from The Heartbeat of Monroe who took several gifts and money that the Kiwanis Club collected today for their families that are taken care of. They had 1,700 visits this year. For Christmas they gave away 100 toys to 30 families at the new location at the Gateway Building
The next Board meeting will be on 1/10/2017 at noon
The Aktion Club had their Christmas Party last night 12/20/16 at the Monroe Sports Center
President David Thompson thanked all those who rang bells this past Saturday for the Salvation Army
We got a Thank You note from Waterloo School for giving them pop tabs
The River Raisin Battlefield gave us a Certificate of Appreciation for what we did this year
The bowling team took 5 points this week
All Kiwanis Lottery tickets/money must be turned in by next week
The Monroe Middle School Choir Jubilation sang Christmas songs to take us into the Christmas season
Our club wants to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HEALTHY NEW YEAR