Kiwanis meeting of August 12th

Our guests for today included the following :Steven McCarty, Dale Stringham, Paul Elsy and Gunner Keegan
The agenda for the meeting was :
1.Volunteers are still needed for the Special Olympics Golf. Contact Dick Sager if you can help
2.We will have a number of members going to the District Convention in Detroit on August 28th-30th
3.August 28th-Members are asked to help set up chairs for the Navy Rock and Roll Band at the Battlefield.Contact Jim Keegan if you can help
4.Social Committee will be going to a Wine Tour on August 30th
5.A report was given on the 4H Auction and all the great press we got for our efforts
6.Members are asked to volunteer to usher at the FlatRock Speedway on September 12th.Contact Gene Jenkins if you can help
7.Stacy’s Sparkles will be hosting a Walk/Run event on September 13th at Prince of Peace in Ida.For more info contact Nancy Wain
8.Members are asked to start collecting shoes for our fundraiser. For more information contact President Jodie
9.The club accepted the resignation of Ron George at the Board meeting on Tuesday
10.The club will hold the induction ceremony on September 30th and members will be asked to come and bring their significant other. More details will be given at a later date
11.Other items discussed at the Board meeting :
a.Dues increase
c.District Convention
d.Computer program
e.Check to the Michigan Foundation for award to Sue Petrisin (Incoming International President)
12.Paul Elsy gave a report on the Michigan Kiwanis Foundation
13.The next Board Meeting will be on September 15th at noon
14.Sanctuary at Marion Place is hosting a Pancake Breakfast on August 20th at 8:30 am. The suggested donation is $5 and the proceeds will support the Alzheimer’s Association.
Our guest speaker was Steven McCarty,the Circle K District Gov,who spoke on the State of Michigan Circle K. Right now there are 12 clubs,with several others talking about forming. Steven thanked our club for sponsoring him at the Leadership Academy. They are trying to promote Family Relations and are working on a Professional Development Program.