Kiwanis meeting and Salvation Army Christmas Party of December 9th
Our guests today included the following: Mark Maxwell, Brenda Smith and Anne Swinkey. The agenda for the week included :
1. The bowling team took 5 points this week
2. Brenda Smith had her 3rd reading this week and will be inducted next week
3. We still need volunteers for bell ringing on December 19th. Contact Deb Davenport if you can help out
4. A Thank You was extended from Bob Knabusch and the Ida Light Parade Committee for the help we gave them last Saturday
5. Doug Kuras reminded members to get their lottery Ticket money in ASAP
6. The Shoe collection deadline is 12/15/16
7. The Aktion Club will have their bowling party next Tuesday at the Sports Center and have extended an invitation to the club to come and enjoy the time with them
8. Gene Jenkins gave a report on the Poinsettia sale
9. The Presidents Party has been rescheduled for Jan. 16th
10. Spouses Day is next Wednesday at our weekly meeting. We will also have the Monroe Middle School Choir in attendance
11. At the Board meeting it was announced we have mailed in the paperwork for the Monroe County Key Club. They will be meeting at the YMCA.They have 22 members so far with more with several more expected.
We had representatives from the Heartbeat of Monroe as our guest speakers today. Each year we have the World’s Largest Baby Shower and present them with gifts and a monetary gift to help support what they do. They discussed the new location and how it is important that the community continues to help.
This evening was our annual Christmas Party at the Salvation Army. There were several members in attendance to help out. Dr. Jodie provided a craft session before they ate fruit and veggies. Tiffany’s Pizza helped out with the Pizza and Kroger and Meijer were major contributors to the event. Santa was our special guest and passed out gifts to the children who live there. Many thanks to the committee members who helped put this on, and the many members who showed up to help.