Kiwanis meeting and Induction on September 30th
Mark Maxwell and Dale Stringham were our guests today.
The agenda for the day followed :
- The bowling team took 1 point this week
- The Shoe collection has officially started today
- MPACT is having an open house today 10/1 from 3-6:30
- The Aktion Club is going to Dedicate a new Park Bench at the River Park Plaza on October 20th at 6pm in honor of members who have passed from their club
- A report was given on the Bed Race last weekend All ads are to be turned in by Friday 10/2/15 for the Kiwanis Newsmagazine
- Next Wednesdays meeting will be to honor the Fireman of the Year
Josh Fields from RSVP was our guest speaker. He is the Volunteer Coordinator for the Youth Center Book Club. He spoke on the need for funds and books to keep their program going. He works close with the Judicial System to help kids stay out of trouble in Monroe County
Wednesday night was the Induction of our new officers for the administration year 2015-16. It ws also the passing of the Gavel from President Jodie Bean to incoming President Iggy Cuccia. It was held at the Carrington Golf Course. Several gifts were handed out to those who helped make President Jodie’s year a good one.
Special Hixon Awards were given to Deb Davenport and Jerry Spence for their service to the club
A one time Centennial Award was presented to Bob De Sloover by outgoing President Jodie. It is the 100th Anniversary of Kiwanis and this award honors those who were picked for going above and beyond as deemed by their peers. Each Centennial Award contribution will save or protect more than 833 women and their future babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus.