Kiwanis meeting of January 5th, 2022
Well it was back to our meeting for the 1st time in 2022.
We got a thank you note from Paula’s House
Karen Lemerand reported on the Kiwanis Lottery and how it’s going so far
Suzie Grizzle gave a report on the activities of the Key Club as well as the Aktion Club
The next Board meeting is next Tuesday at noon. We need all Board members to show up so we can get business done with at least a quorum present
Birthdays this week included Ron Brant, Troy Goodnough and Bill Hassett
Club Anniversaries this week included Jerry Spence and Tamyka Tucker
The bowling team took 5 points in spite of Dr. Waltz kind of folding during the 1st game. He blamed it on his parents showing up and something about him under a lot of stress
Mayor Robert Clark was our guest speaker today.
He spoke on projects and Infrastructure in the City of Monroe
Currently there are about 14 projects in the works
The La-Z-Boy project is on going with the developer having about 5 agreements
He also spoke on Orchard East and Monroe St. projects that are in the works
He finished up by answering questions from the members