Downtown Kiwanis meeting of August 19th
We had several guests today that included : Steven McCarty,Kaye Loni Raye Rafko Wilson,Resa Chambers and Dale Stringham
The agenda followed :
1.The Wine Tour will take place next week (August 30th). The final details will be given out at our meeting next week
2.Dick Sager gave a report on the Special Olympics Golf outing from last week and thanked those who came out to help
3.President Jodie Stevens read a Thank You note from the Holiday Camp
4.We still need volunteers for the September 12th Bus Races at Flat Rock Speedway. We will be ushering that night and could use some more help
5.Members are reminded to start collecting shoes for our Fundraiser coming up
6.We could use more help at the River Raisin Battlefield on August 28th setting up chairs for the U.S. Navy Rock and Roll Concert. Members are asked to be there between 2-6 pm.
7.Resa Chambers gave a report on the Reading Program at Greenwood this Summer. She said it was one of the best she has had. They gave away about 125 books and had a lot of arts and crafts projects as well. She thanked the club for continuing to sponsor her efforts. They had about 40 kids each day. This year the YMCA partnered with them as well
8.Rick Montcalm spoke on the candidates that we sent to the State Police Academy this year and hopes to have them at a future meeting
9.Our Serptember 16th meeting will be held at the MCCC La-Z-Boy Center Atrium. It will be from 11:30 am to 1pm. The focus of the meeting will be on the Leave A Legacy program.It will be an Introduction to Planned Giving Options, with guest speaker Christopher L. Kelly.
10.We are still collecting ink catridges and pull tabs
11.Plans for the Kiwanis Newsmagazine will be handed out next week at the meeting. See Bob De Sloover or Ron Brant for more info
12.Plans for the Kiwanis Lottery are in process as well. See Doug Kuras for more details on this project if you have any questions
13.The next Board meeting will be on September 15th
14.THe Induction ceremony will be on September 30th at the Monroe Golf and Country Club. Members are urged to attend. See Ig Cuccia for ore details
For our program today we had former Miss America Kaye Loni Raye Rafko Wilson introduce our newest Miss Monroe Katie Pigott. Kaye Loni spoke about the year she won. She got $750 in scholarships that year. This year the Miss Monroe Pageant awarded $23,000 in scholarships to the girls. Monroe is in the top group of pageants that give that much in the U.S.
Katie is a 2015 Graduate of Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Apparel, Textiles and Merchandising. She is looking forward to pursuing her Master of Arts in Fashion Studies to become a Fashion Stylist.
Building on her pursuits,her personal platform is :
STYLE–Successfully Tailoring Your Lifelong Empowerment
Katie hopes to help women who are having a hard time in finding a career by providing them with fashions to wear for their job interviews and also help them with interview tips that she herself has learned by being a contestant in the Miss America Organization for the last 10 years. She has been working with Paula’s House and hope to expand from there.
Future plans include opening a closet location so people can drop off items to be distributed to both men and women