Kiwanis meeting of November 24th, 2021
Our guests today included Peter Coomar and Parker Starr
The bowling team took 3 points this week
Members celebrating birthdays this week were Henry Lievens and Dr. Grace Yackee
Parker Starr and Bob Neely had their 3rd readings for club membership and will be inducted at the next meeting
Today was the 1st meeting that we collected for the Dog and Cat Food and Toy Drive that Doug Kuras is chairing. Please remember to bring your items to next weeks meeting
Karen Lemerand gave a report on the Kiwanis Lottery tickets and asked members to get their tickets.
Angie Bomia thanked the club for the support given for her brother-in-law last week
December events for our club :
1.December 4th-Ida Light Parade. Contact Dale Stringham if you can help
2.December 11th-Salvation Army Bell Ringing. Contact Dale Stringham if you can help
3.December 15th-World’s Largest Baby Shower and Spouses Day
4.Salvation Army Christmas Party-Ryan Kane will have more details next week
Amy Jo Townsend,RN,Account Executive of Elara Caring, was our speaker today.
They are a skilled home health care provider.
They are located in 17 states, with over 65,000 patients
With Americans living Longer and Healthier there is a greater need for Home Health Care.
Due to shorter Hospital stays people are more comfortable and feel safer at home
Elara will provide Diagnosis-Centric Care
They treated 11,000 Covid patients and use Telehealth contact to reach a lot of their patients
They give the Right Care at the Right Time and in the Right Place
For more information contact them at 833.463.5272