Our guests today were Bill Cardella, Margaret Dolezel and Monroe City Manager Vince Pasteu.
The agenda Followed :
1. We packed peanuts this evening for the Monroe County Fair Parade this Sunday
2. Volunteers can stiil show up this Sunday on the Parade route to help sell peanuts
3. The Special Olympics regional Golf outing is August 8th
4. August 21st is the Kiwanis wine Tour. See Jim Petrangelo for more details
5. The Shirt orders are in process and waiting for the final pricing from the vendor
6. The Kiwanis Newsmagazine got started today with the announcement that Ron Brant and Bob De Sloover will be in charge this year. A sign up sheet is going around for Patron ads. Any member who can’t make it to a meeting will be contacted to see if they are interested. The Magazine will come out on October 30th. Materials will be handed out to members starting next week, and advertisers should have their information by next week as well. Members are asked to sumbit pictures and articles ASAP
7. The next Board meeting is August 9th
Mark Cochran from Promedica was our guest speaker today. The topic of his presentation was on the Mental Health Resource Map for Monroe County. He presented a handout showing the Adult problems and the Youth problems in Monroe County dealing with mental issues. There is an alarming rate of Depession, Anxiety, ADD/ADHD and Bipolar in adults and Suicide in Youth. The want to increase community awareness of mental health resources in Monroe County as well as improve community education regarding mental health issues.
They hope to have a resource guide for knowledge for help by the end of the year. There is also an effort to work with the schools in the County to help answer questions about the teen suicide in our County and offer curb those issues.