Kiwanis Meeting of February 8th

There were no guests today so we went right into the agenda for this week :
The Salvation Army is having its 6th Soup Day on Thursday Feb. 16th from 11am – 1pm at the Knights of Columbus Hall
We will be helping with the ISD Valentines Dance this Friday 2/10/17
The Aktion Club made 192 Valentines at Wellspring on Tuesday 2/7/17
We are sponsoring a Blood Drive on Feb. 28th. Please sign up at the meeting next week if you can help
Bills for Jan. and Feb. have been sent out and those on Senior Status are asked to pay for their meals on the day they eat at the meeting
Anyone wishing to run for office for the Administrative 2017/18 year please let President David,President Elect Troy or Vice President Nancy               know before the May elections
The Bowling team took 1 point on Tuesday 2/7/17
Millward Beaudry was recognized for his Birthday this week
A report was given on the Kiwanis Newsmagazine-All ads have been paid for this year.Thanks go out to all who made this a success
The special Olympics Bowling event will be on March 1st at Nortel Lanes. Our meeting will also take place there and not at United Methodist for that day
A new Fundraising Committee is going to be set up for future projects.If interested contact President Elect Troy
The Social committee will be going to a Toledo Walleye Hockey game on March 15th. Please sign up at our meeting if interested
On March 8th our Kiwanis Club is going to help the Monroe Animal Shelter and Monroe SPCA by donating the following supplies :

  • Dry and Canned dog and puppy food
  • Dry and canned cat and kitten food
  • Dog treats (soft and chewable)
  • Cat/kitty litter (clumping)
  • Peanut Butter (smooth)
  • Bleach
  • Baby wipes (unscented)
  • Paper towels
  • Bath towels (gently used)
  • Blankets (gently used)

Please bring them to the meeting on the 8th of March
For our program today we had Robert Krueger,Principal of the Monroe County Middle College.
This is the 8th year,with a total this year of 306 students.They hope to have between 330 and 340 next year.
The classes are conducted at MCCC.
The Monroe County Middle College is an educational option for students in Monroe County under the Auspices of the Monroe County ISD.
As a requirement of their educational journey,5th year students at the MCMC are required to complete a Capstone project which includes a minimum of 40 hours of unpaid career exploration.
For more information contact Robert at 734-342-8751 or