Kiwanis meeting of February 17th
There were no guests today so we went right into the agenda for the week :
1. The next Community Meal is February 25th.Sara could use some help at 5:30-7:00 pm
2. February 23rd is the Circle K inductions at the River Raisin Plaza at 6PM
3. Several members went to the Toledo Walleye Game tonight 2/17
4. Jim Keegan gave a report on the activities of the Aktion Club this week
5. Doug Kuras gave a report on the Blanket Drive for the Devoted Barn and the recent award they were given from the Westminster Dog Show
6. The bowling team took 3 points this week
7. We will be hosting a Blood Drive at the American Red Cross building on March 1st. Volunteers are needed for that event including tear down. Please contact Nancy Wain.
8. The Special Olympics Bowling event is on March 2nd at Nortel Lanes. Contact Dick Sager if you can help out at that event
Kim Camerzan from the Monroe County Health Department was our guest speaker today.Much of her presentation was centered around children of Monroe County.The areas she spoke on included :
- Immunizations
- WIC Program
- Lead testing
- Oral Health Care for Babies
- Maternal/Infant Health Program
- Hearing and Vision Programs
- Car Seat Checks
- New Born Baby Visits for all Monroe County
She ended her presentation by answering questions from the members