Kiwanis meeting of December 30th
There were no guests today so we went right into our agenda.
1. The lottery sales have all been turned in and for the 9th year in a row all tickets were sold
2. The first community Meal will be January 28th.There will be a sign up sheet at next weeks meeting
3. The bowling team took 5 points this week
4. The next Board meeting is 1/12/2016 at noon
State Representative Bill Lavoy was our guest speaker today. This is his 3rd year in Lansing and he continues to work for the 17th District. Some of the highlights he spoke on included :
a. Injection Wells
b. The Heroin problem in Monroe County
c. The Algae Bloom
d. Road Funding
He also spoke on how bills are entered into the State system and how they proceed through the legislation. He concluded his presentation by answering questions from the members