Kiwanis meeting of December 22nd, 2021
President Gloria had Izayah Fannin as her guest today.
The bowling team took 1 point this week
Andrew Felder had his 3rd reading today and will be installed next week
Doug Kuras asked the club to donate to a family who has many issues right now and could use a lot of help. Carolee Goodnough is heading up a project to help them. We passed around a can and got $155
Suzie Cox Grizzle turned in a check from the shoe collection totaling $1,478
Ryan Kane gave a report from the Salvation Army Christmas party on Monday night and thanked all those who helped. The Monroe News gave us a great story on the front page today. Special Thanks go to Jet’s Pizza and Dr. Levy’s office
Tamyka gave a nice message about what our Kiwanis Club means to the residents of the Salvation Army
Lottery tickets are due NOW. Next Wednesday is the last time you can turn them in. Please contact Karen at 755-1185 or Bob at 755-1191
Our speaker today was Chad Tolstedt, Director of Public Safety, here in the City of Monroe.
He spoke on the cross training of the Firefighters and Police Officers in Monroe.
Currently there are 24 cross trained Officers
There were 3,700 calls per year with over 18% of them Structural Fires and the rest dealing with health issues
The Police officers are involved with Shop with a Cop, Salvation Army Bell Ringing and Ring Doorbell calls
He finished his presentation answering questions from the members.