Kiwanis meeting of December 14th
There were no guests today so we went right into the agenda :
1.President David Thompson gave a report on his Holiday Party and thanked those who could make it
2.Rick Montcalm thanked all those who helped out at the Salvation Army Christmas Party last Wednesday and spoke about the Pictures and article in the Monroe News
3.Karen Lemerand gave a report on the Kiwanis Lottery progress
4.Michele Paled will celebrate a birthday this week
5.Brenda Smith celebrates a Kiwanis membership anniversary this week
6.The bowling team took 3 points this week
7.Jim Jacobs reminded everyone about our Salvation Army Bell ringing duties this Saturday
8.Our World’s Largest Baby Shower is next week (12/21). Members are asked to bring unwrapped items for small children.
9.Next week is also Spouses Day and members are asked to let Ig Cuccia if you/Spouse are going to be there
10.Members are asked to pay their respects on Thursday from 2-8pm at Merkle Funeral Home on N. Monroe St. for Steve McCarty’s mom who passed away
11.The Kiwamis Aktion Club will be having their Christmas Party on December 20th at the Monroe Sport Center from 6-8pm and urge members to show up if you can
12.The next Board Meeting will be on January10,2017
Sgt. Greg Berman,from the Monroe County Sheriff Animal Control Division,was our guest speaker today. He spoke on their mission and the Improvements they have made in Monroe County.The Shelter was built in 1976.They have since made major improvements with the help of the Community and Private Foundations.
The shelter has gone from 5th worst save rate in Michigan in 2013 to the “Most Improved” in 2014.
For more information contact them at 734-240-3125