Kiwanis meeting of August 2nd
Our guests today included Gunner Keegan and Henry Lievens.After introductions we went into the agenda for the week.
Birthdays celebrated this week were Tom Fritz
Anniversaries celebrated this week were Iggy Cuccia
August 4th-Selling beer at the Monroe County Fair
August 8th-Board meeting at noon
August 14th-State Kiwanis Golf Outing-we have a team going this year
August 14th-Special Olympics Regional Golf outing-see Dick Sager if you can help
August 27th-Aktion Club Pasta Dinner Fundraiser at Prince of Peace from 1-4 pm.They can use some items for a Silent Auction as well as a Chinese Auction.If you can help, please contact Jim Keegan,Dick Sager,Nancy Wain or Susie Cox Grizzle.
September 15th-Aktion Club Conference
Mark Cochran had his apron audit today
Don Lutz gave a report on the peanut packing and sales at the Monroe County Fair Parade and thanked all those who helped out
Jim Keegan announced that the Aktion Club made Dawn Wilkins a Honorary Member for all she does for them.He presented her with a plaque at the meeting today.
Jim Petrangelo gave a report on the Mud Hens game from last week
The Kiwanis Newsmagazine sales have started and members can start contacting advertisers on Monday 8/7/17.We are also asking members to sign up for a Patron ad as well
Budget sheets were handed out today so the Chairperson from each Committee can get them back for the 2017-18 Administrative year.
The rest of the meeting was used for discussion about upcoming events