Kiwanis meeting of April 19th

Gunner Keegan was our only guest this week. After introductions we went into the agenda for the week :
The bowling team is done for this year, with only the banquet left
Bill Hassett and Michele Paled celebrated Club Anniversaries this week
April 25th-Canada and United States Goodwill night for Kiwanis members. If interested in going contact President Dave or Don Lutz
April 29th-Celebrate Children at the Mall of Monroe
April 29th-is also the Kiwanis Club Triatholon
May 4th-100 year Anniversary of the Salvation Army dinner. Contact Debbie Pulling if interested in going
May 9th-Board Meeting at noon
May 10th-Pastor Appreciation day at the Meeting
May 12th-Special Olympics track Meet at Jefferson High School.Contact Dick Sager if you can help
The Aktion Club made a donation to the Kiwanis Triatholon event
A report was given for the Community meal on 4/18, with 20 Kiwanians working with 12 of them being Aktion Club members
Joe Grifka, program Director for Monroe County RSVP, was our guest speaker today.
RSVP stands for Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. Last year they provided 47,000 Volunteer hours
This year there are more Seniors in Monroe County than there students in school
To learn more about the program contact Joe at 734-241-0408 or