Kiwanis meeting from February 3
Kiwanis Aktion Club of Monroe celebrated its 10th anniversary on Feb 2
Gemma (the dog) has a new home
A blanket collection Drive is on-going –to benefit the Devoted Barn
Upcoming Events:
- Kiwanis Circle K will meet Feb. 4th at the YMCA @ 6:00PM
- Kiwanis Board Meeting on Tues. Feb. 9th @ 12 Noon
- Valentines Day Dance for ISD on Feb. 12th @ 6:00PM at ISD
- Toledo Walleye Hockey Game on Feb. 17th
- Am. Red Cross Blood Drive on Mar. 1st @ Red Cross Bldg. 12-6PM
- Special Olympics Bowling @ Nortels on Mar. 2nd At 9:30 AM