Kiwanis meeting of October 21st
3. Sign up sheets went around for the following events :
a. Monroe Holiday Parade
b. Carriage Rides
c. Ida Light Parade
4. Discussion about the Poinsettia Sales was held
5. The Shoe Drive is going well and volunteers are needed for next Wednesday 10/28 to help put shoes in the proper bags for shipping. Contact Dr. Jodie Bean if you can help
6. Jim Keegan spoke on the Park Bench placed in the Flower Garden area of the High Rise in honor of those members from the Aktion Club who have passed away
7. The bowling team took 2 points last night
8. The next Board Meeting will be November 10th at noon
Rick Becker from Stoneco was our guest speaker today. He gave us an overview of the company and how they are part of our Community.Currently they have 153 empolees with 1,154 customers in 2014-15.
Some of the things they have done include the ballfields behind the Monroe Township hall, property reserved for Ducks Unlimited, School Tours, 4H auction for animals and a promising future for more things in Monroe County.
They gave a video presentation about the 5 Guidelines they follow :
a. Safety concerns for Family
b. Be on the Level with everyone they deal with
c. Build Relationships in the Community
d. Deliver Locally
e. Forge Better Ways to do things
He concluded by answering questions from the members