Kiwanis meeting of October 14th
1. The bowling team took 2 points this week
2. The shoe collection drive has started and members are asked to gather as many pairs of shoes as you can. the deadline will be December 15th
3. The Spirits of the River Raisin event is on October 24th and they could use some more help
4. A pledge sheet was sent around for the Walk for Life event
5. We had Tootsie Rolls for sale today to help out the K of C of Monroe
6. Oaks of Righteousness will host a Rib Dinner Fundraiser on Friday October 16th starting at 10 am
7. All Committee Chairs need to have their budgets in ASAP
8. Volunteers will be needed for several events coming up
a. Monroe Holiday Parade
b. Ida Light Parade
c. Salvation Army bell ringing
9. The clubs Facebook page is back up and running
10. The Kiwana Lottery tickets are in and were stuffed tonight. They will be distributed in the next couple of weeks
11. There will be a Divisional Council meeting next Wednesday in Woodhaven at 6:15. We would like to get 4 members to go for an interclub.If you can go contact Don Lutz
12. Paul Elsy spoke on the Michigan Foundation and the Thomas Oliver Greeting Program. He asked members to consider donating to that cause
13. At the Board meeting they discussed the events coming up for the Holidays including the Poinsettia sales and Holiday Parades. They also talked about the building of Circle K and Key Clubs in Monroe
Today was Committee Day so the rest of the meeting was spent in groups to discuss future projects